Search Results for "provision"


Why is the HDS certification important?

HDS (Health Data Hosting) certification is mandatory for the hosting and outsourcing of services and applications containing identifiable and personal health data. It was introduced in 2018 by the French governmental health agency the “Agence du Numérique en Santé” (ANS) to improve the security and privacy of personal health data. […]


Legal obligations in case of a car accident

In the vast majority of the countries in Europe, the Road Codes establish the legal obligations of each person in case of a car accident. Thus, a traffic accident is an event that cumulatively meets the following conditions: occurred on a road open to public traffic or originated in such […]


The Consequences of Child Abandonment

Parents are required by law to see to it that they provide for the needs of their children. Providing utmost care and support in every aspect of the lives of the children, including making provisions for their basic needs, is what is expected of every parent. “Cases where the state […]

family doctor

How to Plan Your Estate When You Have a Blended Family

As society progresses, so does our definition of family. A blended family is one where the parents have children or dependents that are not biologically related to their current spouse. Blended families are welcomed by many Americans across the nation, however, they do pose an issue with estate planning when […]


5 Must-Have Skills For DevOps Software Engineers To Master

DevOps software engineers must master several essential skills to advance their careers. In fact, companies require strong leadership to facilitate the combination of software development, deployment, testing, and ongoing operations. Additionally, DevOps environments require particular skills to eliminate silos, maintain development best practices, and ensure business outcomes for each release. […]