Search Results for "regulations"


How to Choose a Commercial Diving Company

A wide variety of options are available for underwater construction, maintenance, and technical support, depending on the industry and application. In order to provide underwater construction services, a company must have specialized equipment, professionally trained employees, and certifications. There are several factors to consider when selecting a company for commercial […]


Medical Research Involving Children

Scientific research has resulted in notable advances in cancer treatment for children. Conducting research, involving children, requires adhering to numerous ethical challenges whether it involves human subjects or human tissues from biobanks. One major ethical issue is obtaining informed consent. Parents of critically ill children are under tremendous stress, compromising their ability to […]


How to Protect Your Business from Legal Troubles

When you are a business owner it is clearly your responsibility to protect your business from anything that comes its way. Not only is it important for your own well-being, but also for your employees, partners and your reputation for the future. While you may be an absolute expert in the […]

Travel and living

The Biggest Sports Arenas in The World

There are very few activities in the world that bring together large groups of people together than in sport. Sports such as football/soccer, American football, Athletics, Cricket, Australian Rules football and rugby feature the largest arenas in the world. Surprisingly (or maybe not) the largest stadium in the world is […]


Taking Control of the Reins in FX Risk Management

Many corporate treasurers face exposure to FX volatility on a daily basis. Whether their company foreign investments and borrowings or is importing and exporting goods and services from abroad, currency risk presents real and potentially severe financial dangers for those corporations who fail to develop effective strategies to minimize exposure. […]