Search Results for "ingredients discovered"


Safety of Bio-identical Hormone Therapy

What is the buzz regarding the bio-identical hormone therapy? Why is it always being seen in newspapers and magazines? Is this a natural and safe alternative to the basic menopausal symptoms or is it a standard risk to the menopause treatment? Well, interest in hormone replacement therapy started to take […]

Beauty Nutrition

Beauty Comes from Health

The regular checkups The best cure for all diseases is prevention. Understanding the importance of visiting your doctor once in a while is your first step towards health and beauty at the same time. It's often said that beauty comes from confidence; but if you're not healthy, you won't care […]


Why GMO Labeling is Important

GMO (genetically modified organisms) are organisms that have had their DNA altered through genetic engineering. Not all foods are genetically modified, but many of the staple food crops, including corn, soy, and wheat are overwhelmingly genetically altered. As GMOs have become more common in supermarkets, this has raised concern about […]


How Society Influences Our Eating Habits

America has an unfortunate reputation as the world's fattest nation. It's not because everyone has an aversion to low calorie meals. Scientists have put forward a number of theories in the past, including blaming McDonald's, the government, and schools. One area few people rarely explore is how society influences our […]