Search Results for "legal firms"


No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Claims

The term "medical negligence" is used for indicating the incidents where the mistakes committed by the medical practitioners cause the patients to suffer. The medical negligence cases are not so easy to deal with. The support and advices of a medical negligence solicitor is must to establish the claims for […]


Signs of an Abusive Partner

Being in a relationship can be maddening, especially when you become a tad obsessive with your partner. You want to spend every waking hour together or know their every movement. Unfortunately, if you immerse yourself too much in the relationship, it can turn into an all-consuming and suffocating bond. In […]


Big data driving the IT Jobs market

You've probably heard the statistic that for every minute of the day we upload an hours' worth of video to Youtube, but did you also know that we create 2.5 quintrillion bytes of data? According to IBM "90% of the data in the world today has been created in the […]


Small Business Guide to Employee Drug Testing

Employee screening tools such as drug testing are not limited to gigantic Fortune numbered corporations. Drug testing the employees is a proven method of screening potential applicants, and a valuable tool when make critical hiring decisions. Although some business owners might fear additional costs or administrative burdens, the truth is […]


What to Look For in a Customs Broker

With expanding markets and a growing demand for cross-country trade, the global economy has become a single giant commercial hub to capture everyone's demand. Due to this increasing trend, there has also been an increase in the number of complicated rules and regulations concerning the clearance of these trade-able items […]


Insurance Policies Small Business Owners Must Consider

1.Property Insurance: Business owners who own a business property or own equipment used therein must opt for property insurance. Through such a policy a property owner can easily protect his assets against fire, theft, wreckage, smoke damage etc. Business owners can also choose riders which protect them against business interruptions […]


Tips for Testifying in Court

Of all the moments that people look forward to in their life, their court date is certainly not one of them. Like it or not, you're going to have to stand before the judge and deal with whatever problem is in front of you. Knowing how to make the best […]