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Tips for Writing College Essays

Embarking on the journey of crafting a college essay is akin to setting sail into the vast ocean of self-expression, where each wave is a story and every breeze whispers a secret of your identity. Within the realm of academia, this essay serves as your beacon, illuminating the unique essence […]


Tips for writing compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage readers to take action

Crafting compelling CTAs involves several important strategies: Use strong, action-oriented verbs: Choose powerful verbs that inspire action, like “claim,” “discover,” or “join.” This encourages readers to actively participate or engage with your offer. Create a sense of urgency: By implementing time-sensitive language such as “only 24 hours left,” or “act […]

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18 Most Common Ebook Writing Mistakes To Avoid

Welcome to the era of digital storytelling! The world of books has transformed from paper to more accessible and convenient digital versions – ebooks. With the increasing demand for ebooks, more and more people are venturing into the world of self-publishing. However, while it may seem easy to write and […]