
Color Your Kitchen: The Range of Options in Quartz Countertops

One of the most popular materials for kitchen countertops, quartz, is an amazing option that can add to the beauty of any kitchen renovation. When you want to add quartz to your kitchen, though, you’ll want to make sure you find the right colors to match your style and look great in your kitchen for many years. Take the time to check out what’s available to see the truly unique designs that can add to your kitchen and create a unique space you’ll love.

Check the Lighting Before Buying

Make sure you check how the countertop will look during the day with natural light as well as at night when the lights are on. Turn on all the lights during the day to see if any shadows cause the quartz to look odd with the cabinets or other components in the kitchen. If you are changing the lighting in the kitchen, keep that in mind as you check out the quartz. It can look different under LED versus daylight or in areas where it might be brighter than other spots in the kitchen.

Every Pattern is Different

Quartz comes in a wide range of patterns and colors, so there’s somethhitchening to fit just about any kitchen. Most of the time,quartz countertops colorsare more neutral, including browns, grays, and blacks. Depending on the piece, it can have other colors, like beige or light gold, included, too. Take the time to look at the unique variations available, the different patterns you might like, and the colors that would look best with the rest of the kitchen.

Take Home Samples to See How They Look

Take home a few samples to see how they look in your kitchen and how well they work with existing cabinets, hardware, and other elements of your kitchen. The larger the sample is, the easier it will be to see how it will look, but there is a limit to how large the sample will be. Move it around during the day to see how it looks during the day versus at night in different parts of the kitchen, check to see how well it works with the cabinets or whether it clashes with the flooring, and make sure it’s going to be a good option for the look you want.

Maintaining the Quartz Countertop

Once the quartz has been chosen and installed, it’s crucial to care for it properly. Avoid using any harsh chemicals when cleaning, as they can permanently stain or damage the quartz. When there are any spills, make sure they are cleaned immediately. Use a cutting board to prevent cuts and scratches in the quartz, and always use trivets to prevent scorch marks on the quartz. Wipe down the countertops at least daily and make sure you use gentle cleaning products. Water and vinegar can be used to wipe down the countertops without issue, keeping them clean and gorgeous.

Quartz countertops are an excellent option today, but you’ll want to choose the right one carefully. With so many different colors and options available, it can get a little overwhelming when you’re trying to find the right one. Take the time to look at what’s available and bring samples home to see how they look in your house before making any decision. Doing this can help ensure your new quartz countertops will look fantastic.

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