Web design

Why a Professional Website is Worth It

When you transform your online presence, you can grow your company’s sales and finally reach those targeted goals you have been aiming towards. Instead of reaching for the moon and landing in the stars, a professional website will land you on the moon! Whether your website needs a slight refresh to keep up with modern times or if it needs a complete website redesign, these options will give you a huge return on your investment.

If you are reading this blog post then you have taken a step in the right direction and we can tell that you are serious about your business’s success. If you want to be taken seriously in your industry, it’s best that you have a well-designed and well-thought-out website that includes your companies information about yourselves, the unique services you offer, and your pricing. If you would like to read additional reasons as to why you need a professional website, we have gathered the most relevant reasons for you here.

Upgrade Your Level of Professionalism

You should understand that having a professional website will make your company look more trusted and reliable to potential customers. This is simply because imagine that you have come across a company’s social media account and you want to get more information about them but you can find a website. You most likely would deem that as non-credible and you would not choose to work with them. That is why having a professional website is critical in this day and age.

A website is also a space where you can showcase your professional work, awards, and certifications creating a trusted connection with potential customers. Speaking of this, did you know that “84% of today’s consumers think a website makes your business more credible“? This is an incredible statistic that you need to take into consideration.

Your Information is Always Available

If you do not have a website, you risk each potential customer giving you a phone call at all hours of the day requesting more information. To avoid this nonsense, having a professional website with updated information is worth your investment. Additionally, you can choose which information you would like to make available so if you wanted to display your best reviews and testimonials, you are free to do so (This is also a good tactic to build credibility and trust with potential leads!).

Featuring your latest blog posts can also give customers an insight into the projects you work on and the type of company that you are. Making your information available will also ensure that no matter what time zone someone is in, they will be able to have full access to all of your information. Adding a “Contact Form” on your website is also a great idea so that customers can come directly to you with their questions and concerns immediately.

Make Your Company Easy to Find

If you Google your business what happens? Does just your social media accounts pop up? Instead of this, imagine your company website being the first ranked on the search engine result page. This means that customers would click on your website to find specific information about your company. Here they can find out how to contact your team and they can easily see your correct address, phone number, and email address.

Having your own website also ensures that customers are not headed to do business with competitors simply because they have a real website whereas you do not. Also, have you heard of usingkeywordsto rank your website higher on search engine result pages? You can actually use the keywords that your customers are using to search for you to rank your website higher on Google. Having your website appear first on Google before your competitors can give you a real advantage as customers will deem you to be more trusted and more of an authority in the industry.

Increase Your Companies Exposure

If you had the chance to get your company additional exposure would you decline that offer? That does not seem like a great choice. Using traditional methods such as TV advertisements, newspaper ads, and billboards can become very costly. But if you have a website that was available 24/7 for customers and you promoted it on your social platforms, you would increase the exposure and draw more customers in creating the additional exposure that you crave.

Choose a Digital Marketing Team for Help

If you are looking for a team that completesprofessional websites design, it’s time you contact your local marketing agency. These types of agencies can create completely customized websites that match your brand’s tone and your brand’s signature colours. Websites that are designed professionally are extremely functional yet completely aesthetically pleasing. If you are looking to come across as professional and credible, make your information readily available, make your company easy to find, and increase exposure for your business, then a website redesign is the right choice for your business.

by https://www.cyrux.ca/

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