Bootstrap is a free source for website designing and application designing. Launched in 2011, Bootstrap has been increasing more and more since its release. Originally named Twitter blueprint, was used for various development leading to some inconsistencies and maintenance burden. In 2012 new version of Bootstrap was released with some updates and bug fixes. As to improve the working new components were added, new layout grid system was attached and changes were made to the existing components. Bootstrap didn’t stop there and released its 3rd version in the year 2013 modernizing the components for flat design and mobile first approach. And on 10 August 2017, the first beta version was released.
Top 10 Free Bootstrap Themes
It is a beautiful portfolio built by twitter bootstrap with HTML5 site template. This theme can be used by creative people like photographers, studio owners, freelancers as well as by the business owners. It features innovative themes, sidebar menu for the mobile phone to show your work in the best way possible. One of the dominant features is the adaption as per the screen size whether it is a mobile phone or a computer. It will give its topmost view to show the best of your work.
The theme is easy to use and is a clean template. Lattes theme is easily modifiable and helps the user to modify it according to their needs and even offers plenty of space for the user to make the best out of the theme and designs can also be viewed on the mobile phone. It even consists of HTML, CSS3, and Bootstrap, all the impressive elements making it possible to for the developer to spawn modern and consistent web page one page website in the absence of a single line code.
The name gives a heads up for the features of the theme. It comes with the most flexible features and custom styles allowing the user to use the theme in whatever way he or she wants to use. Unique features in the theme are the full-page image header banner and the vertically centered content. The scrolling animations help the drawings or models to create an amazing illusion of movement in a sequence with the help of rich features and plug-in.
It comes with a 15 pages panel that gives the user a simple and elegant admin panel. It offers charts, tables notification and to do list which makes it a very simple theme for a normal daily wear use and as it is a free version it is popular among the users. Apart from its clean and simple use, Dashgum theme comes in mixed colors for some creativity.
It comes with a fairly classic design which gives it a fair edge to show the qualities of the theme and goes with all the web browser and size of screens for the perfect presentation. This is a personal or company portfolio theme which gives is straight to the point and gives right direction to the information. It is mainly used by big companies. It consists numbers of tables and boxes in order to present the perfect information for the display.
It is a Free UI kit, with a new fresh design inspired by Google material design. It is one of the themes that offers beautiful components and easy to use concepts and is equipped with 3 fully coded example pages to help one design the next venture. New elements introduced in theme makes the effect and materials look real just like it is present in the real life.
The theme gives a modern way style which gives the gradient background which allows a smooth transition between two or more specified colors giving a detailed color effect. Another feature theme allows is the parallax scrolling, which brings in web page background moving at a slower rate to the foreground giving it a 3D effect as you scroll. And the last four ready to use style gives the advantage of more fonts, styles, and choices.
It is the best portfolio theme for the users who are looking to display their projects. The theme comes with the simple features enough for a presentation and not going with much creative for the simple and clear showcase. It is also used by the students or by the companies to flaunt their work.
This bootstrap template is clean and simple. It is used by the websites that want a clean simple landing page for their new business or the start-up. It is simple and clean but can be modified as per the requirement of the user in order to give the best first impression on the market as it is most common for the folks looking to go fresh and new. Features include a progress bar, alert boxes content areas, icons, labels, multiple, columns and flat style theme with mixed color.
Cardio – One Page Template
It is basically a gym related theme giving the details of the timings and exercise details of the user. But it can also be used for the other purposes, for example- who plays some sport, he or she can keep a record of her routine and maintain the schedule. People can also use it for personal data that likes to maintain a schedule and likes to keep ahead in their life.
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