There was once a time when human beings depended on snail mail, letters, and postcards and if they had to call they had to connect to three or more operators to reach the person they wished to communicate with. Now, times have changed and people are communicating on a daily basis regardless of their geographical location. Nowadays you can show your friend your latest total makeover even when you are miles and miles away from him or her. In other words, there are notable shifts in the communication industry and with a 24hr economy, one mode of communication is getting outdated by another one where in a span of three or four years a certain mode of communication is definitely out of date. So the question is what is the future of the communication industry? Otherwise, it remains enigmatic.
Mobile Phones: Some of the earliest mobile phones cost the earth, had some basic applications, you could call your friends and send them a message and interestingly, they were big enough to fill your hand. Now people have i Phones and smart phones which offer over a dozen ways to communicate with friends or loved one over the phone. You can even hold a video conference with your mobile phone and have a great time while at it. Other applications include chatting via chat applications such as G talk and Pal chat.
Social Media: Nowadays people have social networks and with Facebook, twitter, Skype, what's app, Hi5, the channels of communication via the internet continue to increase as more social networks come up. The sky is quite the limit and with the all these communication channels the world is surely a digital village. The emails have enabled companies to contact other companies across the world and the trade market has become more vibrant than ever before as a result of this.
Special Applications: Off late people have been able to communicate with their loved ones even those with hearing and seeing disabilities. For instance there are phones that can speak out to someone who cannot read the message or mail from the phone. In other words, communication has become blissful to most people regardless of age, sex, nationality, disability or race.
Space and Satellite Communications: This is one of the leading advancements in communication where with a satellite phone one can call from any region or country with much ease. Other special factors include sending and receiving data using these modes of communication.
Here is an interesting chart presenting a brief history of modern communication.
So far it’s only a matter of time when everything will become so synchronized and great as a result of these advancements. People say communication is vital in a developing world but the truth is, communication is everything in a developing world. Without all these advancements life would have been slightly harder and some of the developed nations would have had to work with their resources to make ends meet. On the other hand, economies would have not have developed at the current rate were it not for all these concerted efforts to advance communication channels. Countries that were not able to trade resources are now an email away or a phone call away and their businesses are back on track.