
The Most Common Reasons to Outsource your Mobile Startup Development

appsHas it ever happened to you to have a killer idea but simply didn’t know how to implement it, technically speaking? Now the outsourcing comes into play. However, it is worth mentioning that many startups are afraid of working with 3-rd party companies as they cannot fully understand the dynamics of the process. One of the biggest challenges is to find the right provider and development partner. In the following rows we are going to emphasize the most common reasons why outsourcing your mobile development is a good practice and overall provides you with good results. (Source: OCSICO)

1. Ensure IP protection. As the intellectual property is a key point to consider when outsourcing, you have to make sure all IP resulting from the process belong to you and that you respect the 3-rd party license agreements.

2. The prototype. A positive user experience is one of the top priorities you should consider when you draft any mobile application or software intended for general use. Modern apps should be user-centered so make sure the outsourcing company you choose is fully understanding your requirements when working on your project.

3. The right company. When looking for the right technology partner, you have to take into consideration elements such as the experience, working in a multi-tasking environment, dealing with breakdowns and come up with the results in a pre-established time-frame.

4. No fixed billing agreement. While your project evolves, additional expenses may be required so working on flat-fee is not a such great option for dynamically driven projects.

5. An agile strategy. As the process is ongoing, you have to make sure that you and your team can provide the outsourcing company with the required features needed by your application and make sure your partner has the necessary evaluation, integration and implementation tools. A good synchronization between you and the company is crucial for a successful software output and long-term business partnership while keeping the costs down.

6. Permanent monitoring. A constant review of the implementation process is part of the success of any project. You have to make sure that the process is on the right track and the features required by you are implemented in a timely effective manner. You have to set specific intervals for reviewing the updates and once you get in the beta stage with your mobile application, the collaboration with the outsourcing company should intensify in order to ensure that your builds are up to date and fully functional.

7. Sharing the sense of ownership. If your product was thought by a team that you coordinate, make sure your team feel proud of their results as this is an important part of the success of your product.

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