A Java tool named as the ANT (Another Neat Tool) migration tool can perform its tasks based on the instructions of XML. If you provide the XML configuration file with the detailed tasks that are required in the performance, the activities will become easily dependent with different XML properties. Now, how can you successfully deploy the Salesforce from one organization to the other? Let us go through the Salesforce changesets to know the right process.
- The ANT tool will at first retrieve the metadata by using the XML file from the server. It will then store the data in your system. After the whole process, you can modify the local XML and then again upload it back to the server.
- As you have saved the XML file in your system, you can easily manage the process in the future. The same metadata can be stored several times in the server according to your requirements.
- With the ANT tool, you can either modify or delete the metadata of the target organizations as you have the easy access to use the XML file.
- You are able to migrate more components of different change sets of ANT
- You can easily run the ANT using the different commands
- The process can be automated with prompt commands with the batch files and the XML files.
If you have installed the JAVA development kit 1.5 in your system, you can go through the step by step process for deploying the salesforce:
Step 1: You should go to the ANT apache and perform a web search. You can easily download the ANT distribution from the source site.
Step 2: After downloading the distribution, you can extract the ZIP file which was previously downloaded. You should take a note of the location where the files are getting downloaded.
Step 3: You should set up an environment variable path towards the ANT_HOME. This will ensure you that you are currently staying at the parent bin folder. If the particular path already exists, you can create another by adding %ANT_HOME% with the variable. You can also create a completely new path without the % sign.
Step 4: Another variable known as the JAVA_HOME can also be created in the new environment. The new location can easily be set during the installation of the JAVA development kit.
Step 5: If you want to check whether the ANT migration tool is installed rightly or not, you can open a command and can type ant-v (v for version), if you get a message of the confirmation from ANT, you can proceed to the next step.
If you get an error message through a notification or warning like ‘tool.jar cannot be located', you can go further and copy the downloaded file from the ANT apache. This step ensures that you have effectively configured ANT.
Step 6: You can now download the Force.com migration tool from the companies that use salesforce. After logging into the account, you can start finding the tool in the setup menu. You can click DEVELOP and then TOOL for selecting the particular link of the tool.
Step 7: Some sample files and one jar file can be located in the previously downloaded Zip file. As you have successfully configured the set up, you are now ready to deploy Salesforce.
The migrating components of the ANT tool can roam around from one organization to the other. You can definitely improve your career with Salesforce by deploying the ANT tool from established organizations. You are required to search the XML files through the build properties for locating the suitable career options.