Framework 7 is free and open source HTML based framework to develop iOS7 based mobile applications. HTML Framework 7 is fully featured to create apps for iOS7 only. It makes table views more flexible. You can use table views as a navigation menu; also, can use icons and other elements inside of the table. Framework 7 uses Ajax to navigate between pages and server, so, you just need to place Kitchen Sink to server to make it work.
The main and primary strategy of this framework is to provide a portability to easily develop iOS7 apps with HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Framework 7 gives you freedom to your creativity; it gives you lots of methods to implement your imagination into reality.
At the initial level, framework7 only support iOS7 platform to make it work in the better way and to provide the best user experience to users. Framework 7 is a best option for mobile app development companies who want to develop iOS7 hybrid app (PhoneGap) or want to create a web application which looks like native iOS7 applications. At this time, framework 7 is at its early development level; so there are lots of chances to occur lots of changes.
TIP: Download Framework 7
Let's have a quick look at the features offered by Framework7.
A Specific Framework For iOS7: Framework 7 is created specifically for iOS7. It gives you to get all the amazing features from necessary UI components. So with this framework, it's easy to create pixel perfect iOS 7 application.
Easy to Use and Code: You can easily build your app with framework 7. With this framework you don't need to write and/or add some custom tags to make it work for your apps. Also, you don't need to write and describe all your content in JavaScript or JSON.
UI Elements: This framework offers you very ready-made UI components and widgets which you can directly use in your applications and for this you don't need JavaScript to use.
No Third Party Library: You don't need any third party libraries to make this framework work for you.
Web Page Animation: Framework 7 gives a native look to your native mobile application. It offers 1:1 page animation with easy parallax effect.
Easy Swipe Back: Framework 7 works perfectly and more softly in swipe back feature. It follows your finger with parallax animation while you touch the screen.
Native Page Scrolling: It's one of the best and cool features of Framework 7. It uses native scrolling so you can get the awesome scrolling effect.
Easy to Refresh: This framework is purely works with native scrolling effect, pull to refresh effect works as same as common native iOS7 apps.
Easy to Delete: With a smooth animation and touch interaction you can easily delete unnecessary stuffs.
Summing Up
Framework 7 is fully featured HTML framework which gives you lots of features and freedom to design and develop your native applications for iOS 7. As officially announced this framework is still at its primary level so it works with modal, popover, tab, side panel, form, grid, swipe to delete, Preloader and many more.
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