
5 Methods To Increase Mobile App Usability

Usability plays a major role in crafting user experiences that are enjoyable and pleasant to use. They are an important part of mobile app development and overlooking something as simple as navigation on an app can have a negative impact on the UX. While using an app, the user expects the best usability features that enhance his or her experience and mobile app developers need to prioritize this aspect to scale businesses. Mobile app usability and User experience are not the same thing. The former makes sure that users are able to achieve the specified goal whereas the latter highlights the overall experience a user goes through the app.

Requirements for Mobile App Usability

Mobile app usability should make it easier for users to become familiar with the user interface.
Navigation should be seamless for users to achieve their goals effortlessly.
App has to be bug-free otherwise it risks losing credibility.

To increase mobile app’s usability, focusing on these 5 factors can help one gain users.

#1 Enhance the onboarding experience

Make onboarding simple with not more than 2-3 steps. Onboarding experience makes or breaks an app. Its the first contact between the user and the app. A pleasant onboarding experience with the least effort maximizes engagement and drives conversion rates. Make the registration process hassle-free for users. Long forms should be discarded and options to sign up with social media accounts prioritized. Many first time users require guidance and one should not overdo with instructions. Its like exercise in balance. You want to reinforce the app value by educating people about the app while maintaining a great user experience at the same time. Tutorials through graphics and illustrations convince the customer of the efforts poured in and they see the value behind the things done in a certain way. Happy users share their positive experience which in turn increases brand loyalty. Understand your users and gain insights through quantitative methods and qualitative research will definitely help one to dig out onboarding strategies that will prove fruitful in the near future.

#2 Prioritize Navigation

The key to friendly user experience is navigation which runs on convenience. If users are able to access core functionalities effortlessly, then the navigation design seems to have worked. However, this is not the case in the majority of apps who suffer from poor design and navigation especially E-commerce apps.

E-commerce apps risk losing business if they can’t effectively guide users to buy products. Product owners should stay away from fancy designs that make the experience more complex. It simply increases the rate of abandonment. Instead, the focus should be on increasing usability.

For e.g. gestural navigation apps create a journey between different scenes through touching and dragging.

A crisp, clean and minimal interface does not allow users to think too much about a particular action. Instead, navigation guides and prompts them to the next step.

#3 Curate Engaging Content

Tailoring content for mobile is not the same as one does for the web. Designs and symbols work effectively but at one point they cease to communicate the required information. Precise content gives users directions and tells them exactly what to do. The challenge is to present just enough content that is required for users to complete the goal, nothing more nothing less. The more irrelevant words and sentences in the content area, the higher chances will be of users switching to alternative apps.

It’s important to note here that content shoots up in product buying apps where consumers would demand complete information on the product so that the purchase can be made Withholding information of any sort here can affect conversion rates and can lead to failed purchases.

A content copy that directly addresses the user, is short and sweet, focuses on keywords, has a clear brand identity and is evenly phrased drives guaranteed results.

#4 Procure Feedbacks

The user is the center of everything here. Companies that do not include users in their journeys simply fail and lose credibility. User feedback lets the user know that a company values their opinions and invites them to share the concerns and possible ideas that could be incorporated in the next release. App reviews and feedback are the most effective way to bring out mobile app development solutions with your team. Working and fixing things on user feedback not only scales the app but also helps to acquire a user’s trust in the long run.

One could also test usability through testing platforms prior to the launch. A/B testing is a type of testing that is controlled. Developers compare two or more versions of a page. The user interaction with each page gets measured and the version that passes certain criteria gets selected.

The mobile app’s success hinges on how users perceive it. Developers should focus on the apps’ utility and usability to boost user experience. For smoother conversion, predefined requirements should be reviewed by real users throughout the development cycle.

#5 Take Platform and Security Measures

Since each operating system adheres to different programming, design, and interface, a mobile app has to incorporate a consistent way to function on platforms. However, most common problems arise due to applications incapability to function on specific platforms. Businesses should focus either on one platform initially or roll out full-featured apps on multiple platforms only after running stringent tests. Opt for mobile app development services that are tailored to your needs and budget.

Many apps require personal and banking details to make a purchase. These kinds of apps should ensure to follow guidelines with safety and security measures to prevent fraudulent transactions and other types of theft. It doesn’t take long for those apps to cement reputation who provide constant support to their end-users regardless of queries and issues posed.

Wrapping Up

According to a published report on usability, more than 88% of the users who find usability issues never return back and more than 70% of the businesses crumble because of these repetitive issues. It’s mobile app usability that helps one covert target audience into loyal and long term customers. Usability says everything about how a user feels about an app.

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