
Mobile devices

What Mobile App Developers Should Know

Thanks to tablets and smartphones for changing our lifestyle, now, there happens to be an app for just about everything, making our lives easier than it was ever before. Businesses today are banking on this mobile app revolution and tuning up their marketing initiatives by developing custom smartphone apps for […]


The Advancements in Communications

There was once a time when human beings depended on snail mail, letters, and postcards and if they had to call they had to connect to three or more operators to reach the person they wished to communicate with. Now, times have changed and people are communicating on a daily […]

Mobile devices

How to Unlock an Android HTC Phone

HTC handsets are amongst the most popular phones on the market today. The best selling HTC phones are more specifically the ones powered by Google’s mobile operating system, Android. They’ve also recently retailed with Beats technology and accompanying headphones, offering owners not only a leading OS but some of the […]


Tips for a Successful Powerpoint Presentation

PowerPoint presentations have become a heavily used tool in the last few years. It is popular among students as well as professionals. You will likely see PowerPoint presentations at top corporate gatherings as well. Corporate presentations are different The use of power point in the corporate world is a bit […]


The Advancements in Wireless Technology

Isn’t it amazing how far wireless technology has taken us? Almost all of our computer and gaming devices are running wireless nowadays. Radio navigation, cellular phones, televisions and practically anything you can think of is running wireless. Without a doubt, this is one of the most popular technologies being used. […]