You need to spread the word to prospective customers about your business. You've had a new website designed, leaflet and brochures made, and snazzy business cards printed that you're handing out to everybody on the street. You've even had a press release in the local paper, so you've done as […]
Tag: online marketing
Ramification of Social Media for The Growth of Business Online
In a relatively lesser period of time, social technology has gained favor from the consumers at a greater speed than other technologies. For television to be owned by fifty million families, a time period of thirteen years and for the internet to earn its fifty millionth subscribers, three full years […]
Online Banner Advertising Tips
Making an online banner and running an advertising campaign can be tricky, especially if you are new to it. To increase chances of your campaign being successful, there are a few tips you should bear in mind each time you post a web banner ad. Target Your Banners The internet […]
Learn The Secret Behind a High Converting Post
If there is a single mistake that I've seen over and over again on various websites is that people think that the more traffic the higher the conversion rate, this may not be necessarily true and the reason for this is that even when traffic is very important for conversion, […]
Facebook Marketing for Your Ecommerce Success
Anyone involved in the e-commerce market knows that it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there. If you are running a store on the vast world wide web, you are most likely competing with a great many other business owners who are selling products very similar to yours. That’s why you should […]
Content Marketing Ideas for Lawyers
From posting testimonials to using guest posts in exchange for links, there are plenty of ways lawyers can take advantage of content marketing for their practices. With the educational background and experience attorneys have, there are plenty of opportunities to put up original unique content to improve readership for your […]
Best Ways to Promote Your Latest Blog Post
Your job as a blogger is far from done when you hit "publish". Unless your goal is to write a super secret online diary, promotion of your posts is something you should get used to doing regularly. And don't be alarmed because it's self-promotion - if you have something valuable […]
The Complete Content Marketing Process
Not surprisingly, when it comes to content marketing content really is king. Finding the perfect blog or website to publish your content can be difficult and takes dedication and a bit of luck. However, there are a few tricks of the trade that make the content marketing process less complicated. […]
Sellers Guide To Deciphering Domain Valuations
Admittedly, I spend considerable time reading hundreds of self-professed domain professionals' assessments of what valuation methods are deemed ‘accurate' when estimating selling costs for said domain. Many agree that expected marketing costs levy into final valuation, while others throw in useless intangibles, such as past sales history of similar TLD's. Inevitably, […]
How to Increase Blog Traffic
If there’s one thing that keeps bloggers up at night, it’s solving the mysteries of site traffic. There’s a reason, after all, we check the stats on our WordPress sites every five minutes, and it’s not just neuroticism (though that’s in there too). But with so many blogs out there […]
Creative Ways That Charities Can Leverage Video For Marketing And Social Media Awareness
Video marketing is a type of marketing which uses the internet to allow an individual or organisation to advertise themselves effectively in the form of short videos typically lasting up to 5 minutes in duration. Products and services can be displayed online with the benefit of free online services such […]
The Dos and Don'ts of Email Marketing
Permission-based email marketing is an important aspect of promoting your business, driving more traffic to your website and developing a network of regular clients. This marketing tool should not be overlooked as a good, cultivated mailing list allows a company to reach out to the right people with the right […]