Tag: garden


How to Make Your House Greener than Ever

Despite numerous perks, the problem with the modern world is that it’s closer to extinction that we can realize. By doing lots of things that have a negative impact on our planet, we have jeopardized the future of Mother Earth and everyone living on it, and it’s high time we […]


Making the Right Choice with Greenhouse Staging

When it comes to introducing a greenhouse to your garden, you have so many different things to consider. From knowing which part of the garden receives the most sunlight throughout the day, to the warmest and best areas for ventilation. These elements may seem small, but each are huge contributing […]


Wild Animals That You May See in Your Backyard

Here in New England, you’re likely to see a wild animal or two anytime you step out into your backyard. Some of them we’re always happy to see. Others, not so much. From squirrels and raccoons to some much, much bigger creatures, the key to wildlife control New England is knowing which […]

Growing Your Own Vegetables in Your Garden

Growing Your Own Vegetables in the Garden

It is arguable that the actual saving through growing your own vegetables in a small garden is marginal. Perversely, the saving may be greater in the countryside since the distributive system favours vast areas of population and often results in cheaper and more plentiful vegetables in towns. Naturally, the more […]

Heating a greenhouse in the winter.

Heating a Greenhouse During The Winter

In climates where frost is severe or prolonged, heat is needed unless the greenhouse is to remain empty throughout the winter. Where winters are not severe, however, it is worth looking at the limitations of a cold greenhouse. From about mid-spring to late autumn, all the plants that need cold […]

Cherry blossom flower

The Most Beautiful Garden Flowers

Flowers are amongst the most beautiful things and a great source of positive energy that nature has ever produced. Whether it is love or friendship, happiness or sadness, celebration or grief, life or death flowers are considered to be the best way to express our emotions and feelings. Nature has blessed […]