Search Results for "fatty fish"


Top Superfoods for A Healthy Kidney

The kidneys are considered as vital organs in our body with many functions, including: blood filtering, hormones production, minerals absorption, acid regulation,… Normally, each one is born with a duplex kidney but some can live with just a single. Because the kidneys play an important role in general function of […]


The Easiest and Most Effectual Tips on Reducing Fats

There are continuous debates concerning the methodology of conquering obesity. It is an essential problem, which involves other side-illnesses. It is well known that this is not only a cosmetic disease. The scientists have proven that obesity is a serious medical ailment. It affects both physical and psychological states. The […]


5 Healthy Tips that Leads to a Longer Life.

It is always said that, we are a reflection of what we consume. The types of foods that you eat significantly contribute to your overall wellbeing and additionally lifespan. As much as there is an idea that there is a specific age that not very many men go past it. Notwithstanding, if […]


Are Chia Seeds Good For You?

I will admit that I quickly became excited about chia seeds when they first entered my world. I did a bit of research after reading about them in Born To Run, and got excited about this newly discovered supposedly excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids. I ordered a big bag off […]


Healthy Food that You Should Eat Everyday

With all the pollution and infections infiltrating into our everyday lives, it has become quite impossible to keepsickness at bay. In the never-ending struggle between our bodies and viruses, we get singled out as the weak ones, suffering the terrible outcomes every single day. Therefore, it has become extremely important […]


5 Foods that Must be Avoided by a Diabetic Patient

With diabetes, food choice matters a lot. Watching what one eats becomes like death and duties-unavoidable in order to stay healthy. Being diabetic doesn't mean that special foods and complicated diets are necessary. With natural home remedies diabetes treatment and control is possible. It's making healthy food choices and keeping […]