Search Results for "developing owners"

Data security

DITSCAP and NIACAP: What they are and Certification Phases

DITSCAP (Department of Defense Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process) and NIACAP (National Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process) are two frameworks used by the United States Department of Defense for the certification and accreditation of information systems. Both DITSCAP and NIACAP aim to ensure the security of information […]


10 Ways Students Benefit from Research

Research is an essential component of the academic world, allowing students to explore their curiosity and deepen their understanding of various subjects. It involves a systematic investigation and analysis of information that can lead to new insights and discoveries. While research can be challenging and time-consuming, the benefits it offers […]


Top 10 Areas of Technology Innovation in 2023

Innovation refers to the process of creating new or improved products, processes, or ideas. It can involve the development of new technologies, the introduction of new business models, or the application of existing knowledge in new ways. Innovation is often seen as a key driver of economic growth and can […]


Reasons to Pick Ruby on Rails for Web Development Projects!

What factors do you consider while choosing a programming language for your web app development project? Scalability? Level of support? Ease of development? Cost? Availability of libraries? Or all of these? Well, amongst hundreds of programming languages available currently, Ruby on Rails (RoR) is one such language that offers all […]


7 Reasons Why Your Businesses Should Have Mobile App

Digital media plays an important role in our lives in today’s high-tech society. Many small business owners, however, still feel that having a website or a Facebook page is enough to attract and communicate with their customers — which is just not the case. The truth is, every business small […]



The Project Management Program is a certification that is widely recognized by the world. It is accepted and identified all over the globe as a gold standard in project management. It is known everywhere, regardless of the geographical scope of operation. The syllabus of the exam includes initiating the project, […]