Search Results for "biological"


6 Best Kept Secrets to Acne Free Skin

You've probably read every magazine which has acne-free skin solutions, listened to all infomercials and definitely spent loads of cash just to have a beautiful skin. They've all failed and you are at crossroads! The recurrent breakouts are causing you depression and you desperately need a permanent solution. You need […]


5 Ways to Look Younger by Aging Gracefully

Getting older comes with many benefits and a few drawbacks. Now that the population is living longer, people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond are putting more emphasis on aging gracefully with an all around better quality of life. One key to aging slower is looking younger. A […]


10 Reasons to Play Video Games Online

Being a gamer can be hard; there are lots of negative myths about video games. Parents, girlfriends and wives know all about those myths and they are not afraid to use them, we assure you! So if you are looking for facts about video games based on scientific studies, we […]

Other stories

How to Erase Stains from Natural Stone

Whether it is used on floors, or as countertops or in showers, natural stone adds elegance and durability to many different areas of the home. With a variety of colors and textures, this option is timeless, beautiful and a great addition to home building and décor. However, unlike many other […]


Most Important Mental Health Risks Following an Accident

The victims of several types of accidents often have to live with many dangerous long-term medical issues. These people may experience constant health complicated conditions or long term disabilities. Many accident victims face different problems doing daily rooting works. In an unfortunate way, a few victims also have psychological illness […]


Common Signs Of Depression

Everyone has ups and downs in life. There are times when people feel sad or develop feelings of despair and emptiness. However, when these disappointments, this despair, this sadness takes a hold of life, the situation is commonly referred as depression. Many people mistake the constant feeling of sadness as […]

Elder care

Elderly Depression: Are You At Risk?

When most people think of conditions and diseases that affect the elderly, most think of cognitive decline, heart problems, bone diseases, and other “old person” issues. Very few consider one of the most common afflictions among the elderly: depression. Depression among people over age 65 is quite common. About eight […]