Search Results for "nicotine"

Web reviews

My Experience With Electronic Cigarettes

If you are a smoker, just step into the convenient store and look behind the counter. Luckily, you will find an overwhelming selection of cigarettes. Most of the smokers have stick to one or two familiar brands. These variations of the electronic cigarettes have catered a multitude of preference which […]


Blue Cig Electronic Cigarettes Go Social

Since their invention in 2003, e-cigs have revolutionized the 100-year old tobacco industry. Over the past few years, we’ve seen a lot of cool technological and social improvements in the e-cig industry, some of which were even displayed at the CES 2014 event. One of the newly developed social enhancements […]


Unhealthy Habits to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most prominent and delicate phases of a woman's life which brings a lot of responsibilities towards a pregnant lady and her unborn. Whether it is about regular diet or body maintenance, she need to be careful in all aspects and it starts from the day […]


How Vaporizers Can Improve Your Well Being

Not too long ago, many medical experts were trying to find better and easier ways to help people quit smoking. Nicotine patches and gums have been invented but there still remains a disconnect as to how it can prevent smoking. Now, thanks to vaporizers, it has become far easier to […]


Preparing Your Car For A Road Trip

Let's make no bones about it; planning a road trip can be stressful and time consuming. From figuring out how often the kids will need to stop, to seating arrangements at the family reunion table, to my family's favorite "OH MY GOSH HONEY WHAT ABOUT THE DOG." While they may […]


How The Electronic Cigarette Works

Unlike the traditional cigarette that causes the tobacco to burn, the electronic version does not need fire. The smoker breathes in the smoke so that the nicotine can reach the lungs and then the brain. The electronic cigarette does not function using the process of combustion, but instead heats a […]