Search Results for "shocked"


How Does a Business Stay Ethical in Hard Times?

The Guardian recently ran a story on The Co-operative Bank, asking the question: “when does an ethical business stop being ethical?” Co-op Bank, after all, just shocked its bondholders twice, first by asking them to absorb losses as Co-op Bank prepared to put its shares on the stock market for […]

Other stories

Will Monza Survive in the F1 Calendar?

The F1 championship is extremely old: its rules were created in 1946 by the FIA (Fédération International de l'Automobile) and its first complete season occurred in 1950. Amongst the most ancient circuits of the championship, we find Monza: the track has existed for almost a century now and it still […]

Small business

How to Reduce Small Business Costs

No matter how small your business is, you probably have more expenses than you would like; but, that is all part of the game when doing business. While you cannot get around having to pay for certain things, there is probably a way for you to reduce costs—you just need to […]

Internet Services

How To Find The Perfect Domain Name

Your domain name is an essential part of your online business identity and as such the importance of deciding on the best domain name cannot be underestimated. That said, there is a major problem when selecting domains; namely that it’s not uncommon to find that the website address you’d like […]


Invest in Gold Bullion; Rake in Riches

Future Rings Uncertainty Future is always uncertain. No matter how much you get your future prediction readings done from an astrologer, numerologist, soothsayer, and others of the similar league, you still don't how what the future holds. You could win a fortune tomorrow or you could die of a car […]


Auto Insurance Minimums

Every state or locality has their own requirements for the minimum amount of car insurance a person needs to carry in order for them to cover themselves and others in the event of an accident. For many people, carrying the minimum is standard because it is the most affordable way […]