Search Results for "inflated"

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Car care tips for scorching summer

People are usually elated, genuinely thrilled, and sentimental when it comes to summer and all its perks, but there is one major seasonal factor everybody tends to neglect until the very moment it hits us - the scorching heat. Aside from the green-house effect and global ecological turmoil, high temperature […]


Cardiac Surgery in India-Facts Revealed

The cardiac surgery is the surgery on the heart or the great vessels. This surgery is performed for correcting the congenital heart disease, for treating the complications of the ischemic heart diseases and treat the valvular heart diseases. It will help treating the valvular heart diseases which are caused due to […]

Green tech

Why Should We Use Alternative Fuel Sources?

Using alternative fuel sources simply means feeding your engines with some other source of energy other than gasoline or diesel. But the question that can boggle some people’s minds is that why is everyone running around to adopt more environment friendly ways in order to meet their fuel requirements? What’s […]

Exteriors Interiors

Basic Ways how Granite Can Be Used

Granite is one of the most accepted construction resources of all. It has been taken into consideration for thousands of years in both outdoor as well as indoor uses. Granite rock is used in bridges, buildings, monuments, pavement and many different external projects. As far as consideration of indoors, graceful […]


What to Consider When Converting a Van

Have you ever considered packing your life into a van and go off travelling; destination wherever? This may be easier than you think. Many people go into retirement just to have an old van lying dormant on their driveway, but why not make the most it? Don't be deceived into […]


How to Check Your Tires for Wear

Tire maintenance is rarely at the front of most people’s minds. You expect your car to always be available and ready to take you wherever you’re going. However, taking proper care of your tires is as important as regular oil changes and general maintenance to your vehicle for safety and […]


Some Ideas for a Greener Driving

In the UK, vehicles account for 21% of all Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions. There are more than 25 million cars on the road, and each car requires oil and fuel. If every driver made some small improvements to the efficiency of their cars, then the overall effect would be a huge […]