Search Results for "excess calories"


Lose Your Extra Weight within a Week

Going through with extra weight is very uncomfortable and also unhealthy. The recent statistics of several health organizations show that, the maximum people become attacked by several diseases just because extra weight. Heavy weigh can be the cause of diabetes, heart diseases, stroke and many other bad experiences. It also […]


Coping with the New Year at Work

After all the Christmas festivities are over and the New Year celebrations come to a close it's not uncommon to feel a little down and unsettled. This is due to all the stress and excitement of the holiday season alongside over indulgence of food and drink. Returning to a normal […]


Survive the Holidays and Stay Beautiful

We all look forward to the holiday season when we get together with our family and friends to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve. With all celebrations, there are often dozens of beauty hazards to deal with - weight gain, stress, lack of sleep and cold weather are just some […]


Top Knee Joint Supplements

Joint pain is something that really does hurt. It can impact on the health and wellbeing of someone and really make them a shadow of their former self. It can make them quite unhappy and not be quite with it and have a lot of physical pain to deal with. […]


Do Weight Loss Pills Work for Women?

Most of the women would put on a considerable amount of weight after childbirth. As soon as they see excess mass develop on their body or see their stomach area to bulge, women start to go on crash diets and liquid diets in order to get rid of the excess […]


Hiking tips for beginners

Mountain hiking is an ideal activity for those who lack outdoorsy physical exercises, yet don't like sports which require quick outbursts of energy and excessive sweating. It is also an ideal way to recharge your batteries and make you feel like a brand new person after having a stressful week […]


The Health Benefits of Playing Tennis

Tennis is one of the UK's most ancient and popular individual sports, with the foundations for the modern game having being laid during the 19th century. While it also has historical roots in French and Asian culture, the game as we know it today was developed in the heart of […]