Search Results for "living space"


How to Decorate Your Outdoor Kitchen

Every decade seems to have a housing trend. From the water beds of the 1980s to the wicker furniture of the 1990s, the trends of the past may have been unique, but they weren’t exactly swimming in practicality. The trends of present day, however, have sought to remedy this: enter […]


Modernize Your Home in 5 Simple Steps

If you are tired of your old-style home and want a change in environment, or if you are planning to sell your house, it's time to modernize! You don't need the help of a professional interior designer or spend a lot of money when modernizing. With a few simple tips […]


Are You a Secret Hoarder? [Infographic]

Many of us love collecting different things be it coins, stamps or teddy bears and often hold onto precious keepsakes such as sentimental clothing or memorable gifts. While there's nothing wrong with placing much-loved items into a storage unit from the likes of Ready Steady Store, there is a difference […]