Search Results for "people fight"

Data security

Internet Safety-Hows and Whys

The advances in internet technologies have brought us the life we see today; everything is at our fingertips and mobile phones, laptops and tablets are present everywhere. All these technologies have essentially changed the way we do business and have changed the boundaries previously set by physical distance. Naturally, all […]


Harassment at Workplace and its Preventive Laws

Workplace harassment are nowadays being increasingly reported that might take several major or minor forms, considered as an offense. The workplace or offices in which employees spend a major part of their day are highly prone to harassment for both the sexes. Men and women both can be a victim […]


Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water

1. Detoxify using Alkaline Water A Water Ionizer converts tap water to strong alkaline water which is up to 6 times more hydrating than regular water. Alkaline water has smaller water clusters with only 5-6 molecules versus regular tap water which has about 10-13 molecules. This makes the water "wetter" […]


The Health Benefits Of Water Ionizers

Water ionizers are small electronic appliances that attach to the faucets in your home and change the pH level of your water. Water ionizers can also filter your water and add minerals. Ionized water can be either alkaline, with a pH level greater than 7, or acidic, with a pH […]

Elder care Nutrition

What to Eat in Old Age

Let's face it, being old is not so bad. You have so much free time to do whatever you want, travel, watch TV or even to finally learn how to knit, and you can spend all the time in the world with your family, grandkids and friends. But on the […]


Forms of Advertising

Advertising can take a number of forms, including advocacy, comparative, cooperative, directmail, informational, institutional, outdoor, persuasive, product, reminder, point-of-purchase, and specialty advertising. Advocacy Advertising Advocacy advertising is normally thought of as any advertisement, message, or public communication regarding economic, political, or social issues. The advertising campaign is designed to persuade public […]


Vehicle Cleaning Myths Busted

Spring has arrived! It is time for people to start venturing out of the house and spend more time outdoors. As the days get warmer, more people will start washing their cars in their driveway, enjoying the great weather while making their vehicle look shiny and new. However, you would […]


How to Stay Germ-Free in the Grocery Store

If you're like most people, you probably do your shopping in the grocery store never thinking twice about germs and bacteria. But just because you don't think about it doesn't mean the problem isn't there. You'd be surprised how many germs have turned your average grocery store into their home […]