Search Results for "symptoms"


Periodontitis-Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, can cause the loss of teeth if not treated. It starts with inflammation of the gums due to bacterial growth and gradually destroys the tissue that keeps the teeth in place. What is Periodontitis? Inflammation of the gums is called gingivitis, and it is […]


Signs and Symptoms that You’re Carrying Twins

Most parents, when they see twins say, for example, “I’ve always wanted twins.” Whenever they see someone with twins they ask, “Where they born naturally?” “Are they identical?“, “How did you get them? ” Curiosity and a hidden desire for twins is present in most people. This immediately leads to […]


Types of Brain Lesions and Symptoms

Are you a victim of brain lesions but somehow not aware of what exactly does it mean and its symptoms and causes? Well, you have landed on the right page to learn more about this unsettled and confusing health problem. What is brain lesion? Brain lesion refers to the growth […]


How to Deal With Specific Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is a normal part of every woman's life. It is basically the end of the reproductive years of a woman. It is defined as the absence of menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months. During this time, the ovaries stop to function so the woman will no longer be able […]


Identify the Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Among the many complicated disorders that plague the human body, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome takes the cake as the most difficult to diagnose. It is an intricate disorder that is indicated when a person finds themselves with unusually high levels of fatigue. What makes it so complicated is that the patient […]


How Technology is Changing Healthcare Today

hePatients today have more access to healthcare than ever before, thanks in large part to technology, The quality of care is improving along with patient outcomes. In addition, more people can receive care promptly. As a result, healthcare overall has become smarter, more effective, and more personalized. How is this […]