Search Results for "skin care"


Dos & Don’ts of Basic Care For a Sensitive Skin

What exactly is the dermatological definition of “sensitive skin”? In layman's terms, it is skin that gets flushed, itchy, red and inflamed easily, due to genetics, environmental factors like cold and pollution in the air and water, or due to the use of wrong products. Sensitive skin can have a […]


Why Is Hydration the Key to Healthy Skin?

Hydration is critical for healthy skin because water comprises a large percentage of the skin’s structure. Skin cells need water to grow and shed properly. Without adequate water intake, skin can become dry, flaky, wrinkled, and irritated. Drinking enough water and using moisturizers helps the skin retain moisture and maintain […]

Elder care

Senior Healthcare: Caring for Aging Parents

As Baby Boomers get older, there’s a growing need for resources and information related to senior healthcare. The oldest “Boomers”, or people born after World War II – from 1946 to 1964 will be turning 76 next year. According to the 2020 U.S. Census data, by 2030 everyone in this […]


7 Benefits of Taking Care of your Gut

The term “gut” belongs to the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract, whose health is often measured by the quantity and variety of microorganisms, especially bacteria in your digestive and intestinal tract. The “gut microbiome” or “gut flora” is another name for the trillions of these microorganisms. Physical and mental well-being and […]


5 Biggest Innovations That Will Change Healthcare As We Know It

Over the years, advancements in technology have significantly revolutionized the world. Various technological inventions are being implemented in different sectors, from the classroom to the courtroom, helping individuals perform their duties and complete their tasks easier, better, and more efficiently. An area where technology is surely making a breakthrough is […]