Search Results for "expressing"


Wedding Invitation Etiquette Wording

Wedding invitation wording can feel like you’re walking a tightrope. You’re trying to balance expressing yourselves as a couple, while at the same time honouring wedding tradition, particularly if you’re having a religious service. On top of that, and most importantly, you’re trying to provide all of the essential details […]


How To Effectively Lose Weight With Steroids

Anabolic steroids (in English, are called “roids” or “juice” in colloquial speech) are the same or very similar to certain hormones in the body. The human body manufactures steroids naturally to perform stress coping functions and also promoting growth and development. But some people use steroid tablets, gels, creams or […]


7 Essential SEO Campaign Tips for Audience Targeting

Before you even consider employing an SEO campaign for improving your marketing strategy and expanding your business, there are a few things you need to investigate. The things that are of paramount importance are attracting the right audience and getting an organic traffic to your site. The aim is to […]

Society & Culture

The History of Wooden Model Ship Building

Model shipbuilding has a long and varied history that spans from antiquity to the present time. People built models for different purposes at various times and places in history. Today, the intricate craft of building model ships is enjoyed by collectors and museums dedicated to the craft of model ship […]


7 Things You Should Know Before Going Blonde

Hair coloring has been a medium for expressing ourselves, similar to getting tattoos and piercings. Among the three, it may be the least painful, but it may also require more work. There is an expression saying “blondes have more fun” which may mean a couple of things. One of these […]


Online counseling: Healing Through Writing

A significant and distinguishing feature of online counseling is the use of writing as a medium for healing. The use of e-mail and chats are a prominent feature of many online counseling settings. E-mail may be used as the primary form of healing communication, as part of an online chat […]