Search Results for "evaluations"


Why I Always Check Product Reviews Before Buying

Buying stuff can be a hustle sometimes, especially when you are buying new products. It can not only be emotionally draining but also financially draining. And when I say financially draining, I don’t necessarily mean the money you’ll spend on something but that you may spend too much than you […]


Steps to Create a Strong Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing is still a strange concept to many, and those who are aware are still ignorant about its importance. Based on studies conducted by Smart Insights, 46% companies do not have a specified digital marketing strategy in place, and 16% haven’t implemented it yet into their marketing campaigns despite […]


8 Tips For More Effective Employee Evaluation Process

Employee evaluation shouldn’t be a cumbersome job for the employer and the employee. When done the right way, it can make a huge difference in both individual and organizational performance. Conduct assessments more often, use the right attitude and use the right tools like evaluation templates to achieve better results. […]


Essentials To Lead Generation

Like a song by The Beatles or a fine-fitting suit, some things never go out of style or lose their sense of relevance. The same can be said for certain aspects of lead generation. Whilst new theories on lead generation are being cooked up and pasted across the web on […]


Understanding the Options and Risks of Investing in Gold

There are numerous reasons as to why individuals as well as institutions invest in gold. However, the more predominant reasons to invest in gold are due to the lack of confidence in currencies and geopolitical uncertainty. These two factors (currency instability and geopolitical uncertainty) in actual fact encompasses the entire […]