Search Results for "enable mobility"


Digital Space: A Place Where Everyone Belongs

By 2020 the average number of personal IoT devices per individual globally will be ten. Like all roads leading to Rome, access to the digital world creates multiple inroads to a new and rapidly expanding horizon of opportunity and fun. From global communities of shared interest and amazing advancements in […]

Data security

Business Security: Why Remote Working Needs a VPN

Not only our phones are mobile but today’s employees and workforce are increasingly mobile as well due to the latest technological advances. Nowadays, organizations may have their employees in different locations across the globe to run their business operations and processes smoothly without facing the barriers of time and location. […]


Can Stem Cell Therapy Repair Damaged Knees?

Lately in the United States, stem cell therapy is being praised as a wonder cure for everything from spinal repair to wrinkles. But only a few of these applications come with scientific backing. However, there has been some really promising studies done on stem cell therapy for knees. People develop […]


The Relationship between Massage and Cancer

A massage brings about a relaxed feeling by stroking and rubbing soft body tissues as well as manipulating body muscles. For cancer patients, it has a whole lot of benefits since it helps in coping, enhances life’s quality and minimizes the cancer symptoms. Massage is regarded as a complementary therapy […]