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Data security

7 Types of Cybercriminals and How they Operate

Any crime that is committed using the internet, any computer technology or computer system is called Cybercrime. It has grown rampant in this digital age, even contributing to high crime rates in countries due to a large number of cybercrimes committed each year. According to statistics, 400 million fall victim […]


Must Have Gadgets of 2016

Every day, our world becomes more futuristic and exciting. In 2016 alone, several intriguing gadgets will go on sale to the general public, putting exciting technology right at your fingertips. From wearing a smart ring to gaming like you’re actually in the game itself, this year you’ll be taking advantage of […]


5 Ways to Secure Your Wireless Router

Routers are used for sharing internet connections through WAN and LAN. It is a technology that forwards data packages along networks. There are many types of routers that are available in the market and these routers come with different features. These features are there so that they can protect your […]


How Technology Has Changed the Way People Learn

The days of a blackboard and chalk are gone for most young students. Different types of technologies are changing the way children and younger members of society are taught and how they obtain new information and knowledge. It has never been easier to access this information and knowledge. The latest […]