Search Results for "well-known companies"


What Is Cardano, and Why Do They Call It ADA?

Experienced crypto investors note a significant growth in cryptocurrency demand. That’s because people worldwide are looking for reliable assets to store their funds. This trend is intensified by the rising tension in the geopolitical situation over the world. That’s because the latter enhances the inflation risks for fiat money. However, […]

Small business

Reduce Customer Churn Rate with These Tips

As a business that aims to be thriving, customer satisfaction is one of the priorities. When customers trust your company, they become loyal to your brand. Furthermore, they may recommend your services to others, helping your business to get more audience. So, it would be best if you decreased any […]


What Does The Future Hold For Cryptocurrency?

If you’ve been paying attention to the first half of 2022 regarding cryptocurrency, you’ll naturally be wondering where it’s all heading. Bitcoin and Ethereum are down over 50% from their peaks near the end of 2021, and the crypto market has stalled now in the middle of the year. There […]