Search Results for "structure"


Restoring Uneven Concrete Structures

Concrete creates really beautiful and durable structures. However, such structures are usually heavy and their weight may overwhelm the ground they rest on. With time, these structures may sink, hindering their normal usage and introducing other problems. As the owner of a sunken concrete structure, you will have to restore […]


Which Forces Stabilize Protein Structure?

The structure of a protein determines the way that it interacts with other molecules and its role in our bodies. Experimental studies of hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding variants allow us to understand protein structure and protein stability, which are both essential to the study of protein behavior. Proteins: The Workers […]


Government Infrastructure Report Card Gets a Big F minus

While it would be easy to debate the proper use of government allocated funds for various programs throughout the country, you would be hard pressed to find someone that would disagree that many aspects of our infrastructure require more attention than they currently receive. Whether we’re discussing pot-holed filled roads, […]


What is Infrastructure as a Service?

Infrastructure as a service or IaaS is one of the fundamental service models of cloud computing that provide virtualized computing resources over the internet. It is the best fundamental service models of cloud computing alongside Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) and thus, is opted […]


Common Structure for Research or Dissertation

The first thing about dissertation is what it includes. It must state objective of your research, research methods, and results. Usually this done through structure given below. However your supervisor gives directions for layout of dissertation, structure, and word count. Research Proposal This chapter is optional and involves similar approach […]


Effective Essay Writing Structure

In today's era, not a lot of people are aware of the rules for writing that can be used to develop or create efficient essay structure. This development of essay outline is done right at the start of the essay writing process. Once the outline of the essay has been […]