Search Results for "pregnancy weight"


How to Treat Stretch Marks and Cellulite

Women aren’t the only ones who suffer from cellulite and stretch marks. Men can suffer from both, too but men’s bodies are less scrutinized than women’s. Cellulite and stretch marks are two common issues that can cause a woman to feel insecure with her body. Surgery, store-bought topical creams, and […]

body contouring 101

A Comprehensive Guide to Body Contouring

Body contouring, also known as body sculpting describes a wide range of aesthetic plastic surgery procedures designed to improve a person’s appearance. From slimming your waistline to lifting your face, body contouring can revamp your look if you’re not happy with any of your body part. The surgeons or professionals […]

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Weaning Piglets Successfully

One of the most challenging times in a pig’s life is when it’s weaned. Under-eating, poor nutrition, and digestion problems all come with the territory. Weaning is a major change, not only for piglets, but the sow as well. You must meet the challenges of dietary changes and anxiety. Milk […]


7 Health and Fitness Tips Every Woman Should Follow

Women have challenging roles, biologically as well as socially. The physical and mental labor of women, while often unaccounted for in casually sexist setups of the economy- such as the GDP- fail to find their well-deserved place. Women multitask like maniacs working at home and their jobs, managing immaculately well […]


The Dos and Don’ts of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is already quite popular and it seems to ever be on the rise. There are a great many reasons for a given individual to choose to have an elective surgery such as any procedure that falls under the “plastic surgery” category. Contrary to popular belief, there are actually quite […]


10 Most Common Birth Control Pill Side Effects

The birth control pill is the most commonly used method of contraceptive medicine being used by nearly 67% of all women who use contraceptives to avoid pregnancy. Despite the known side effects that are accompanied by taking these pills, many women still prefer using this method as compared to all […]


Looking Good Takes More than a Good Pair of Genes

Young women and men are more concerned about their physical appearance than ever before. Social media and the popularity of selfies has played a very big role in the new focus on physical attractiveness. Some people have great genes, but still don’t look their best in many of their pictures. […]