Search Results for "plumber tips"


5 Ways to Improve Your Local Search Rankings

When your customers search for a product or business on their favorite online search engine, they generally only look at the top 3–4 listings, and sometimes only the first page of results. If your business is on the other pages, that potential client or customer is never going to know […]


What Not to Do With Your Plumbing System

Plumbing’s the name and clean water is the game. If you don’t treat your plumbing system right, well, you’re hosed – and yes, that pun was intended. It can be hard to know the do’s and don’ts of the plumbing structure that exists in your house or apartment, but once […]

Exteriors Interiors

Do I Actually Need a House?

The golden rule is not to rush into anything. Before you actually buy a house, ask yourself-do you really need it? Believe it or not, it often happens that people regret willingly taking this sort of responsibility. Having a house means being obligated to take care of it on a […]