Search Results for "plants grow"

Growing Your Own Vegetables in Your Garden

Growing Your Own Vegetables in the Garden

It is arguable that the actual saving through growing your own vegetables in a small garden is marginal. Perversely, the saving may be greater in the countryside since the distributive system favours vast areas of population and often results in cheaper and more plentiful vegetables in towns. Naturally, the more […]


Vegetables You Can Grow in Shade

We all know, that most vegetables need lots of sun and water in order to grow, blossom and give any fruit at all. This is why it’s very important for your garden to have a good exposition to light, and it also needs to be protected from the wind and […]


The History of Hair Transplants

Have you ever wondered how we evolved from powdered white wigs of our ancestors down to the hair follicle transplant surgery available today? The answer is not that our ancestors had less hair than we do (they didn't) or that it has become less fashionable to want to cure balding, […]


Domestic Growing vs. Commercial Growing

Although domestic and commercial growing of any type of plants, fruit and veg seem to do the same thing, they have completely different objectives and thus need different criteria and environments. We will try and outline what both involve and some of the advantages and disadvantages of both. We hope […]


Plants that Keep Pests Away

One organic and environmentally friendly way to reduce pest infestations in your home is by using the right plants. Not only do they lookg great, but they have natural defenses that are the bane of annoying bugs. Use these 5 plants repel bugs and enhance your home’s look as well. Citronella […]