Search Results for "personal airport"

Data security

Why Should We Be Cautious about Public WiFi?

Free Wi-Fi – a ‘WOW’ for everyone. The modern cafeteria, shopping malls, university zones, junctions, public parks, airports, restaurants, hotels, etc. are equipped with the facility of free Wi-Fi. We often see a small gathering of people at certain spots leaning over their smartphones and laptops. Free Wi-Fi is the […]


The Best Ways to Travel for Business

When travelling for business there several factors that need to be taken into account. Naturally, arriving on time is paramount, but being able to work or rest en route, the cost of travelling and how convenient the arrangements are may also need bearing in mind. Furthermore, planning your trip and […]

Robots - New Cleaning Technology

New Cleaning Technology In 2018

Well, there is no second opinion that technology has made our lives easy and hassle-free in every sense. Be it getting all the details over a single click or getting a helping hand in the form of a robot, the technology has marked its presence everywhere. Day by day, new […]


New Ways To Play Your Favourite Online Games

The video game industry has been growing steadily in recent years, with the global game industry’s worth currently estimated to be approximately $91.5 billion in 2015. This figure is predicted to continue to soar and reach $102.9 billion in 2017. Minecraft, one of the most popular video games of all […]

Data security

7 Ways to Keep Hackers on Public Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi is the new age of accessing the internet and free access to the same is the best temptation to anyone. Public Wi-Fi is accessible at places like restaurants, airports, hotels, railway stations, etc. These are a boon to professionals and a lifesaver for mobile data allowance. An acronym of […]


Apple Watch Apps to Make Your Work Day Easier

While the first wave of interest in the Apple Watch came primarily from technology lovers keen to get their hands on the latest device released by the tech juggernaut, today many people around the world are keen to use the watch for business, not just personal use. Indeed, there are […]