Search Results for "escaping"

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3 Vital Fire Alarm Safety Tips

Keep this very important fact in mind: there is only one minute and usually even less for you to escape a fire in your home. According to professional fire alarm companies, every house and building require smoke alarms as well as smoke detectors. The presence of such fire safety devices in […]


Reasons Why You Should Install a Chimney Cap

The fireplace can make the room look extremely inviting especially on a cold, winter evening. In addition to adorning a room, a fireplace can reduce the heating bills of the house considerably. Therefore, a fireplace is an energy-efficient heating source. Also, a fireplace increases the resale value of a house. […]


Best Fireplace Upgrades You Can Implement Today

Fireplaces are exquisite additions to a home. They make the living room look wonderful and also increase the resale value of the house. Fireplaces are efficient energy sources and help in reducing the heating bill considerably. Few things can be as inviting and relaxing on the warm couch in front […]


Prefabricated Homes Are Making A Big Comeback

Over the past few years, the popularity of the prefabricated (modular) homes has decreased steadily. Condos and apartment buildings have grown more popular while causing a tide to turn. However, this could all change in the coming years. More people are reaching into the past to obtain suitable living quarters for […]


6 Simple Steps to Build a Fireplace Hearth

A fireplace hearth is an extension of the fireplace floor into the room. The hearth also includes the extension of the wall around and above the fireplace. Usually, the hearth is a little elevated from the floor of the room. Fireplace hearths have a number of purposes. A hearth adds […]


Tire Safety Tips for Truck Drivers

Truck accidents occur almost every day. The impact of truck accidents is catastrophic. While victims sustain major injuries, the impact can turn fatal in certain cases. Truck accidents occur due to a variety of reasons. Proper safety measures should be implemented in order to ensure that these accidents can be […]

Travel and living

Best Getaway Retreats in London

London is a great place for tourists as they have such a lot on their hands for sightseeing and experiencing, that they hardly have anything to worry as most of them set up their itineraries beforehand and move according to that. It does happen at times that some disruption in […]