Search Results for "devices"


How to Work Across Multiple Devices at Work

Modern businesses rely more on their employee’s flexibility than ever before. With office space costing a great deal of money, some companies decide to offer working from home as a way to cut costs. While this is fine in principle, there are some issues that can make it more of […]

Other stories

Understanding Power Supplies in Military Devices

Power supplies used in military and aerospace operations are similar to their civilian counterparts, but only in form and function. Military power supplies must adhere to certain ratings and standards to ensure that they can perform adequately and support various missions across diverse environments. Ruggedness, durability and reliability are the […]

Rugged Computing Devices

Consumerization Of Rugged Computing Devices

Once limited to durables scrapped in warehouses, the market for rugged computing devices has expanded in recent years to include classifications of computing gadgets that are capable of functioning in harsh environmental conditions. The demand for rugged devices outside the four walls - such as manufacturing plants, warehousing and distribution centers […]

Mobile devices

Mobile Devices Improve the Catering Industry

Mobile technology is changing the world and makes small business owners' lives easier. Smart phones, tablets and other mobile technology make the behind the scenes work of running a business a lot easier. Mobile storage of information reduces the amount of paperwork that owners have to log and keep track […]