Search Results for "calculated"


Zero Energy Businesses – Is it Even Possible?

Around the world, countries, communities, companies and individuals are committing to climate change targets by reducing energy consumption and finding more climate-friendly ways to produce energy. One of the ways entities are working towards these targets is to create zero energy buildings, also known as net-zero energy (ZNE) buildings. What […]


Legal Implications of Inheriting Assets from a Dead Relative

When a person passes away, their possessions and assets are either donated to charity or inherited by family members. The terms of this transfer, sometimes known as inheritance or succession, are fairly complex, and attorneys are frequently involved in the process. Countries and jurisdictions have different inheritance rules depending on […]


How Important is a Sleep Study to your Health?

According to Consumer Reports, over 160 million Americans struggle to get a good night’s rest. The reasons that sleep may elude a person are unique to every individual. Stress, work schedules that involve taking the night shift, and lack of a good environment for sleeping can affect a person’s quality […]


Latest Innovations in Smart Car Parking

As the general road performance of cars has become somewhat standardised (and thus homogenised) in recent years, it is almost as if the advertising heads of the world’s top car companies have collectively settled on a new marketing strategy – focus on the onboard technology. There is scarcely a car […]