Search Results for "adding muscle"


How to Relax Before Going to Bed

When you’re stressed from the frustrations of the day, it can be difficult to figure out how to unwind before bed. We’ve all had those nights where we spend the entirety of the evening staring up at the ceiling, wishing for slumber to overtake you. But as soon as you […]


15 Natural and Home Remedies for Migraine Relief

Migraines aren’t simple headaches. They are a part of a neurological condition which can make individual experience nausea, pounding pain, tingling or numbness in hands and feet, change in visual patterns and even become sensitive to light, sound, and smell. Migraines can be irritating, painful, and persist for a prolonged […]


Top Tips for Juicing Greens

Green vegetables are the best friend for good health. A portion of green vegetables when included in your daily diet, provide you with the nourishment and essential vitamins and minerals that are responsible for maintaining a healthy body. On a more general note, most green veggies are a good source […]


Natural Supplements to Reduce Pain

If you are suffering from chronic aches and pains you may wish to consider a few natural supplements as a treatment to help to reduce your pain. Compared to conventional pharmaceutical pain relief, natural supplements probably won’t work as fast and as targeted but rather work to reduce body-wide pain […]


How to Set Achievable and Attainable Fitness Goals

Setting a goal and planning a fitness training strategy that will help you achieve it actually translates as half the battle won. Goals help you to organise your efforts along with spurring you on to successfully meet your targets. The importance of setting clear, achievable fitness goals cannot be overemphasised […]


Pilates – An Introduction

Most people have heard of pilates, but many do not know anything about it other than it is some type of exercise. Pilates is so much more than that, it is about health and wellness as well as a great exercise routine for anyone looking to get fit. For those […]


10 Must Know Pregnancy Pillow Benefits

Expecting a baby is the best feeling women can have, but this happiness brings with it too much discomfort as pregnancy proceeds. A general uneasiness common during pregnancy in every expecting mother is sleeplessness. “Growing baby in your womb and physical and hormonal changes in the body makes every expecting […]

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12 tips every cyclist should follow

Whether you are young or old, athletic or sedentary, cycling is a fun and healthy way to travel and experience the surroundings. Practicing vigorously gives the heart and circulation a workout and can burn more than 500 calories an hour. The development of new kinds of bikes – especially the […]