Search Results for "party tips"


How to Decorate Your Outdoor Kitchen

Every decade seems to have a housing trend. From the water beds of the 1980s to the wicker furniture of the 1990s, the trends of the past may have been unique, but they weren’t exactly swimming in practicality. The trends of present day, however, have sought to remedy this: enter […]


Coping with the New Year at Work

After all the Christmas festivities are over and the New Year celebrations come to a close it's not uncommon to feel a little down and unsettled. This is due to all the stress and excitement of the holiday season alongside over indulgence of food and drink. Returning to a normal […]


Survive the Holidays and Stay Beautiful

We all look forward to the holiday season when we get together with our family and friends to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve. With all celebrations, there are often dozens of beauty hazards to deal with - weight gain, stress, lack of sleep and cold weather are just some […]