Search Results for "eligible"

Elder care

Who Should Get the HPV Vaccine?

Like most people, you've probably heard of the HPV vaccine. This immunisation hit the headlines seven years ago when a national programme was rolled out in the UK to give the injections to girls in secondary schools. Despite this publicity though, there's still confusion among many people as to what […]


How to Get the Lowest Mortgage Rates

As important it is to buy the right home, it is even more important to get the right mortgage deal. Although quite a perplexing process choosing the right mortgage is, it is unavoidable, and quite a significant step towards buying a house. To choose the right kind of mortgage, which […]


Does Corporation Tax Planning Apply to You?

Most of us would like to pay less tax, allowing us to invest more in our businesses, and making our figures better. With corporate tax planning, companies can check that the tax that they are paying is correct. The Government offer a number of incentives to help businesses and this […]


Tips to Lose Weight Fast

Most of us with the problem of obesity are looking to lose weight fast. We resort to despearte measures such as crash dieting and intensive exercise and do our bodies more harm than good. The result of near starvation diets is yo yo dieting where you gain even more weight […]


Benefits of Pursuing a Pre-MBA Internship

The pre-MBA course is generally short but long enough to have an idea of ​​what career you want to pursue after B-school. You have got selected in your dream B-school and now you are spending your pre-MBA times leisurely by just hanging around, traveling or sleeping in. this is generally […]