Search Results for "compounds"


Choosing the Right Water Filter

We all know that clean water is one of the most important requirements for our good health. In fact, water from the tap does not contain dangerous bacteria. The trouble lies somewhere else - contamination comes from the old, rusty pipes and chemical disinfectants. The bottled mineral water is an […]


Common Sources of Indoor Air Pollution

Air quality is important to the longevity of an individual's health and well-being. Unsafe conditions or polluted areas of habitation affect sleeping patterns, energy levels, and long-term efficiencies. If you're looking to create an atmosphere for success and healthy development, make sure you're paying attention to the devices and products […]


The Modern Sins of Bathroom Remodeling

Modern families are conflicted between environmental responsibility and comfort: there is always a more complex-or less attractive-alternative to our behaviors that would have a lesser impact on the planet. Bathroom remodeling is a very good example of this duality: the most luxurious products are also the ones that will consume […]


Heavy Duty Degreasers for the Oil & Gas Industry

Oil and gas (O&G) and other chemical spills get attention like no other news. Just take the recent chemical spill in the Elk River in Charleston, West Virginia, which cut off water to more than 300,000 people. Three years ago, the United States Chemical Safety Board asked the state to put together […]


Types of Perfume Smells

Traditionally, women found a perfume they loved and that was their signature scent. These days however, fragrances are commonly treated as an accessory - mixed and changed to suit our shifting moods and varied lifestyles. While it's always good to have options, the vast array of perfumes now available can […]


The Benefits of Drinking Ionized Water

The human body is subject to constant evolution, as it adapts to both positive and negative aspects of its surrounding environment. Take the impact of the obesity academic in the Western world, for example, which is causing teenagers in the U.S. and UK to develop health conditions that were previously […]


Caring for Your Pool in Winter

The carefree days of summer have slipped away and winter is coming. Before you start addressing holiday cards and stuffing the turkey, you have one more thing on your end-of-summer to-do list. Before the colder temperatures really set in, you need to winterize your pool. If all of the debris […]


The Purpose of Chromatography Columns

Chromatography belongs to that family of inventions that really changed the world but few people know it. Some people may guess with the etymology that it basically means "the writing of colors", from the ancient Greek chroma that means color and graphein that means writing. But very of them can really […]