Search Results for "handful"

Data security

How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

In this digital world when almost everything is found on the internet, the concept of theft is not limited to the stealing of personal belongings only. In the era of modern technologies and social media, the theft of personal details is becoming a matter that calls for serious attention. When […]


Top Tips for the Perfect BBQ

There's nothing like a good BBQ with friends and family to make the most of summer. From setting the mood in the early evening by stringing cheerful Chinese hanging lanterns, to key know-how that ensures the food is cooked to perfection, the following guide will see to it that your […]

Other stories

6 Ways to Improve Your Business

In today's competitive business market, more care and attention than ever must be put into your business. Sometimes these are changes that you must make, but on other occasions the entire staff has alter its collective mind-set. If you put into practice only a handful of the ideas in the […]


Engineering Challenges for The Future

The achievements and advancements that were made over the last century by talented engineers have changed the shape of our world today and vastly improved the quality of our lives. Looking to the future, as the world population continues to grow and our needs expand there are several areas for […]

Other stories

Could Technology Make Cycling Safer?

Although it is a healthy, enjoyable pastime and a cost-effective, environmentally friendly alternative to automotive commuting, cycling can unfortunately be quite dangerous, especially on the roads and streets of a busy city. In London in November of last year for example, 6 people were fatally wounded in cycling accidents on […]


Advantages of Ethernet SIP Trunking

It is not a surprise that if you are into business then you will constantly be in search for ways that can help you to make the most of your investments that you made in your existing unified communications. You will surely try your level best to manage how your […]


The Most Common Scams on eBay

Want to clear your house of knick knacks without going through the hassle and uncertainty of a garage sale? Want to find a rare, one-of-a-kind item or snag a great deal on expensive electronics? The eBay marketplace still is one the easiest ways for individual buyers and sellers to connect. […]


How To Find The Best Web Directories?

Adding your website to a web directory can increase visibility and bring in new traffic. But not all web directories are created equal. Web directories that are well regarded by Google will improve the search ranking of your page, but those that Google regards as spam sites can actually hurt […]


Common Theories About Time

For most of us, time isn't really something to think about. Time is what we see when glance at our wrist watches on the way to a meeting or when we're reminded of our cuckoo clocks' song each hour, but time is much more complex and fickle than you think. […]