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All About Gipsies: Who They Are and What They Do

sweetheart-swindles-2_med_hrAccording to recent studies, Gypsies left India about 1,400 years ago. They came from a lower caste known as “Dalits” or ” The Untouchables”. Research examined the Y chromosomes of DNA samples from the gypsies and their comparison with samples taken from Indian men. There were checked 10,000 samples, including 214 belonging to different ethnic groups of Indians. The results were published in the “Nature” journal, researchers claiming that the Gypsies left India because of their caste discrimination; “The Untouchables” being forced to perform the most menial jobs. Gypsy scams were performed even at that time, hence the reason why they were attributed a special caste.

They hoped that they would be promoted in socially, if they take part in the wars that took place in the years 1001-1026 in Punjab. The spread of Islam in India region triggered another wave of migration to Europe and North Africa. British Gypsies support this hypothesis, saying that their tradition shows Egypt as the country from which they trace back, hence the name “gypsy”. Gypsies’ vintage clothes and physical features were similar to those of Indians until about 100 years ago.

Certain gypsy scams are renowned all around the world, such as the case in which Tina Castello proved to be scamming elderly in Arizona & Los Angeles areas. Tina, a 39-year old woman who uses various allies in order to avoid be recognized, is specialized in befriending old men and leaving them the impression that she actually felt in love.

However, once her story is believed, Tina asks for money for rent, furniture, food, surgery or various other reasons. Just few months ago she stole $150,000 from a senior in Arizona, which represented his lifetime savings. This is a common type of fraud practiced by gypsy women.

Gypsy scams are renowned throughout the history and local authorities took measures in most cases. Often, Gypsies tried to circumvent these provisions remain in place; in which case the police forces organized against them true “hunters”-as happened in the Netherlands in sec. XVIII. In 1572, a band of 300 Gypsies were exterminated by ducal troops. Often nomadic Gypsies were protected by part of the population (and in France and Scotland, even by some noble families). But the hospitality given to Gypsies was considered a crime and punished severely.

Examples are the provisions of the Scottish Parliament (from 1609) of King Louis XIV of France (in 1682); or other, similar, Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Poland-one of the few European countries who have sought to discard Gypsy were Russia, Moldova and the Romanian Country.

Such ordinance often stipulated expulsion (especially in case of relapse) and death by hanging-in Germany, Bohemia, Moravia, England, Luxembourg and some Italian states-even without being accused of crime19. From this punishment women were usually excluded; but not in-Prussia or Duchy Württemberg. Ear mutilation was practiced against them in Castille, Bohemia, Moravia and Lombardy. (In France, a decree of 1561 stipulated a sentence considered extremely humiliating Gypsy, shaving head-men, women and children).

Imprisonment was quite rare; in the Netherlands but many Gypsies died in prisons in the United Provinces of the Netherlands at the beginning of the eighteenth century were organized against the hunt true nomadic Gypsies, involving military-infantry and cavalry units-and police ; operations after which since the mid eighteenth century Gypsies disappeared. In 1715, the Portuguese Gypsies were sentenced to execution of public works in France, many orders (woo 1561, 1673, 1682, 1739 etc.) condemns the galley on Gypsies tramps.

The same procedure, in the sixteenth century, Spain, Portugal, Republic of Lombardy and Venice; and in sec. XVII hospitality given to Gypsies was considered an offense and punished with the utmost severity-in France, Poland, Spain and the Austro-Hungarian Empire; while the king of Denmark forbidding all masters of vessels to embark Gypsies.

In many cases the victim will be enticed into doing this because of the overly friendly nature of the scammer. Sometimes that scammer will encourage the victim through sexual favors. However, that scammer will end up getting the money and running out of town.

Identities May Change

What makes this even more difficult is that many gypsies will change their identities in response to some of the threats that they may perceive. An example of this comes from notorious gypsy scammer Tina Costello, a person who has been known to travel around California under names like Tina Stevens, Tina Adams, Nina Marks and many other names linked to other seniors that she has scammed.

This site is about such gypsy scams and how they can be dangerous. The site covers information on many points that relate to scammers like Tina Costello and the Sweetheart Swindles scam trend. The information listed here could prove to be rather critical to those who want to find ways to keep themselves from falling victims to different problems relating these scams. Gypsy scams are extremely dangerous and are created by harmful people and must be understood with care before one can become a victim of such a scam.

Looking back at the crimes and robberies committed by gypsies through the course of history it’s easy to understand why they are prosecuted all around the world. Beware; many gypsies still commit unlawful acts in our days (see example of Tina Castello), so if you are not cautious with them your risk losing all your goods or belongings. In case you’ve been the victim of gypsy scams make sure to contact local authorities as soon as possible.

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