With the advent of social media in the world of internet, many businesses and individuals have reached the level they have never imagined with the help of Social Media Marketing. It is not restricted to anybody it is just restricted to the way you use it. Use it in a healthy way and let the world know about you and your services. The right use of the right tool can only give you the right destination.
Here in this post we are discussing some of the examples where Social Media has played a great role in taking them to the world
1. Selfie taken by Ellen DeGeneres after winning the Oscar
The selfie that Ellen DeGeneres posted after winning the Oscar award in 2014 made a huge splash in the social media. He took his selfie with his Samsung Galaxy while it was getting broadcast and it broke the record of the all the re-tweeted photographs on Twitter. This selfie was something that people were actually waiting for and they really wanted it to share on the social media. This Oscar Tweet was a wonderful splash in the world of social media.
2. Skype Rerouted
In the year 2013 in the month of November, Mike Corey, a travel blogger, was left off in Istanbul with no bags, no ticket for home and no idea what he has to do next and where is he going next. For the next 15 days he has to follow the five country Skype rerouted adventure where Corey only had an access to Twitter and Skype to inform him about his next adventure. According to the director of PR for Boost Software Inc, Erin Walsh, it showed the power of business that is moving out of its actual comfort zone and will interact with its users on a personal level. Skype is a dying brand and this has put them on the map with its everyday users and has given them the reputation for acting more than any corporate IM tool.
3. Affordable Care Act by Obama's Administration
The affordable act by Obama's Administration had a wonderful bumpy start but the ‘GetCovered' campaign was something you can say a miracle. This campaign is sought to encourage 26-35 years old as well as the older hunts to sign up for the Obamacare. It succeeded in the part by giving real people the voice on HHS.gov site and makes the content very easy to share that on the social media sites. This ‘GetCovered' has boosted up the enrolment among various Millennials and used the appearance of Obama into their comic web series that says Funny or Die and that increase the traffic to the healthcare.gov site by almost 40%.
4. Batkid made by Make-A-Wish Foundation
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQZcVN8TPtU]
Make-A-Wish foundation started with a project on November 15, 2013 in San Francisco with a huge number of volunteers with the city officials and the businesses started working to make the San Francisco into a Gotham City so that it could be “saved” by the five year old cancer survivor Miles Scott who has become the Batkid. This resulted into a very large media exposure and more than 406, 960 tweets were done that day and more than 21, 683 photographs were posted on Twitter and Instagram. This Make-A-Wish accomplished something very huge this time and with this social media strategy they got people to love them even more.
This is a campaign named NOH8 campaign and it is a photographic silent protest which has been created in response to the passage in California in the year 2008, which actually banned the same sex marriages. On Valentine’s Day 2014, this group launched its fourth NOH8 on the Hill photo session using Social Media featuring U.S. Senators and members of the House of Representatives that are striking for the various trademark of NOH8 poses. The major aim of this campaign was to spread awareness at the international level but not only in United States.
So these are some examples that tell you about the power of social media. There are a lot more if you search well on the internet. So be a part of it and make social media as your best tool.