
What a Good Web Hosting Company Review Should Include

web hostingOne of the most common pieces of advice people get about choosing a web hosting company is to read online reviews. This is definitely a helpful tip, but it is made under the assumption that all reviews are credible, and even helpful. To read reviews is therefore not enough. There are a few areas that you should look into when reading a review not only to determine whether it is credible, but also to get the most information to help you make an informed choice.

Word on reliability

A review is not helpful unless it gives a clear picture on how reliable the hosting company is. A good indicator of this is uptime. By industry standard, 99.5% uptime and above is considered great. Anything below 99% should immediately prompt you to look for a different host.

Support is an equally important factor in determining how reliable a host is. Find out if the plan or package you choose comes with support in the first place. If the answer is in the affirmative, find out how easily they can be reached and how helpful the support is.

Word on flexibility

Again, look out for details of flexibility when you read reviews on or any other hosting company for that matter. The main components of flexibility include how easy it is to upgrade to a better plan if need arises, the cost of upgrading and the process of switching to a different host or discontinuing service in extreme cases.

Word on quality

Quality is an essential factor to consider when choosing a web hosting company, and should be included in any credible review. An essential feature in this case is the control panel which is what you use to manage the account. The control panel should be easy to use and provide the needed control. In addition to this, the review should offer information on how easy it is to install popular programs such as forums and WordPress blog.

Suggestions on specialty or focus

A web host may sound great on paper, but that doesn’t mean that he is the best of your business. Each unique business has its unique hosting needs. The more specialized the business, the more likely you will require specialized services. With that said, a good review understands this, and offers suggestions on what types of business are most likely to benefit from the said host. At the very least, the review should offer some context on what kind of business it operates in or the specific services or packages procured from the said host.

Word on host’s limitations

There are many great web hosting companies out there, but there is no such thing as a perfect host. There are always areas where the hosting company could do better no matter how small. A good reviewer mentions the good and the bad, even if he had an overall great experience with the company.

Overall impression

A good review should address the simple with the technical. Addressing simple issues such as how easy to it is to contact the company, payment options of even the overall layout of the host’s business website makes a difference. If two hosts offer the exact same services for the exact same price, it is these subtle differences that will ultimately help you to make the better choice.


Lastly, no review is complete with a breakdown of price. Generally speaking, the more established hosts offer better prices. This is because they have already invested in infrastructure, and have the customer base required to offer fair pricing. It is also important to look at specifically what is offered for the price. You are likely to encounter different packages when you read reviews. Look more carefully at the features and services each package offers before making a final decision.

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