What you Need to Know About Google Penalty Recovery

If your website experiences a sudden drop in traffic along with a decline in ranking, there is a substantial possibility that your website is dealing with Google Penalty.

This drop can impact the businesses significantly as it prevents your target audience from finding your website. However, with a good SEO penalty recovery service, you can fix this issue.

The sooner you recover from the penalty, the better it will be for your online visibility. In this section, we will tell you about Google penalties and their recovery.

  1. Manual Penalties

In such situations, the Google penalty recovery services log in to the Google Webmaster tools to see whether or not you have any message alert from Google.

If your website is penalized under a manual penalty, then you will come to find a notice, which will explain the reason why you have been penalized. Unnatural links are the most common reasons for manual penalties.

Links that are purchased as a scheme to increase the visibility and accountability of the website is unethical. A good Google penalty recovery service will fix the issue, thereafter submit your website for reconsideration.

If there is no notification, then a more comprehensive examination will be needed to gauge what new changes have been introduced by Google that has affected your website.

  1. Change in Google Algorithm

In order to determine the penalty, the Google penalty recovery services go back to time and date when your ranking began to decline and check against the date when new updates were rolled out by Google.

Panda and Penguin are the two prominent penalties associated with Google Algorithm. Panda focuses on the quality of the content and ensures that plagiarized or quality invaluable content does not reach to the visitors.

Penguin penalties, on the other hand, are related to backlinks and focuses on websites that manipulate ranking through low-quality inbound links in order to increase the authoritativeness of the website.

Google penalty recovery services make sure that your website is working in alignment with the latest algorithm update. Removing Google penalty is a bit challenging, so it is important that you have a good plan in place in order to identify such inefficiencies and address it as soon as possible.

Below are some manual actions that commonly impact your website –

  • User-generated spam
  • Hacked website
  • Spammy structured markup
  • Spammy free hosts
  • Think content
  • Cloaking
  • Pure span
  • Keyword stuffing
  • Unnatural links

There is a huge difference between penalties and filters; however, they are often used in the same context. Google penalties are manual actions taken by Google; however, filters are automated actions. The latter is activated when different versions of the same webpage are published.

Whether it is Google penalty or filter, they both impact the ranking and credibility of your website. It is important for businesses to leverage the right Google penalty to recover services to address the issue and get it solved as soon as possible.

A good recovery program will not only remove the penalty but also guide you on how to avoid such circumstances in the future.

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