A SEO strategy expects to find backlinks to your blog, but almost never expected to place external links on their pages.
Increase the page rank and traffic becomes the primary purpose and losing important links to other blogs or sites, however, are anything but minor role.
How is it possible, you ask, have advantages in terms of positioning using external links?
The answer is articulated, but I try to spell out some good reasons to pay attention to this strategy that goes beyond the speech SEO.
Advantages of External Links
• Complete the information: Be as specific and detailed in your articles, it will be difficult to provide complete information from all points of view and, therefore, the reader certainly appreciate any links to other pages that come in more detail on some issues that you touched or complete, in fact, the information processed. The only caution: check the resource that linked well, so as to ensure that a site is authoritative and reliable..
• Authority the blog: Although it may seem strange and difficult, engines like Google evaluate positively (all for the benefit of the authority and popularity of the blog) external links that point to authoritative sites in an article. Not only Wikipedia, CNN and the like, but also to influential Web sites or blogs. Benefits from that, I assure you, even the page rank of the page that contains links ii. In short, if the page you want to link out among the first places in Google SERP for specific key, I would say that indicates authority and then link it with no problems.
• Attract back links: One, who will see his blog linked to you, might be tempted to return the favor if you find it beneficial. This could bring you a backlink unexpected, if you think about it. To me, to be honest, it happened quite often and I found myself with very little backlink searches, but very useful!
• Target = "_blank": The less experienced you do not care about the fact that a reader, click on the link to just abandon your blog because one attribute (target = "_blank") on the href tag to prevent this. This allows those who make a jump to another page, come back to the original article he was reading.
All this, of course, must be ‘dressed' if you will be adequate and appropriate choice of the Anchor Text. If this is relevant, the reader is encouraged to click on the links, also SEO side will definitely be an advantage.
This article was published by Mohit Maheshwari. He is the CEO and strategist of a digital marketing agency, New Media Guru. He is also an active blogger and loves to share his experience and knowledge of the web development india and web design.